The sweet,forbidden fruit

no candy for now

no candy for now

Remember when we were kids and we would see candy and salivate? even before we even got the pleasure to taste how sweet they were,and our parents would say no to you,that you are too young to start enjoying the biggest pleasures of your life yet.My parents never told me the reason why i wasn’t allowed to eat candy and with no reason,there was no justification as to why what they were right and i was wrong so i always thought that they were just being unfair.The house help would then get points or make you their little slave just for that small sweet thing and when you got it,everything else was not important anymore,not the rules imposed,the reasons for the bribe nor the implications.

As you grow up,you then discover that there are more pleasures in life,and with them comes more rules and restrictions.Like no television or playing outside till late,you must wear a cardigan even if you don’t feel cold,no running around in other people’s that moment you realize that life has too many restrictions and you resent the world for not letting you do what you want,and you wonder,how much worse could this get?

Then finally when you realize that the world is not composed of the lawmakers(parents ) and the common folk(children),that even between the children,there are boys, girls and wait for it….FEELINGS! oh yes,first it starts with boys picking on girls and girls hating the boys and then before you know it,there is a girl(boy) in your class that you like and also that there is one more paramount pleasure yet to pursue,and this pleasure has come with its own set of bar codes and patterns that you need to unlock.

You then learn that fear drives people.fear influences our behavior,choices and plans.For the religious families, you are sold with the idea of HELL,that sex before marriage will give you a first class ticket to an eternal pit of fire,those families who have no regard for religion,sell diseases,STI’s,pregnancies,death,heart breaks…..

but then you wonder,if you get past the fear then what is stopping you from this pleasure?,what happens when you get tired of moping around,hearing stories,that”oh,its painful”,or “it’s not that bad!” or “its like fitting a hot dog through a keyhole”.and you want to come up with your own description of your experience and get it over and done with.when you are tired of wondering,imagining and dreaming.and the less strong ones give in,after its done,do you get blown away (pun intended) and choose to continue,do you get disappointed and wonder”what was the fuss all about?”or are you left wondering”so its done,what next?”

now what

Does procrastinating something make you better at it,will that sweet taste any better when you start eating it when your 5?, do you become a sex expert when you start at 40?if you’re going to do it anyway,why wait?

Well…..,don’t mind me .im just bored and musing,LOUDLY

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